Welcome to the Geocoding service of HAS green academy
A short description how it works:
- Paste data from an Excel file with address data in the "Input" tab.
- Check if the first row of the input data contains column names.
- Click "Interpret Data"
- Select the appropriate address fields for the corresponding columns (not all address fields are required)
- Optional you can select "label" for the column you want to use as a caption in the map.
- Click "Execute geocoding"
- In front of the rows the coordinates will apear in the Dutch coordinate system (X, Y) EPSG:28992 and WGS84 (Lat, Lon) EPSG:4326.
- If no coordinates apear in front of the row the specified address can't be found. You can try to geocode again by removing an address field above the column by selecting "Choose address type". The geocoding will be less accurate of course. When you click "Execute geocoding" only the addresses that have no coordinates will be searched for again.
- When you're satisfied with the result you can click on "Download_CSV_NL" to download a Dutch CSV file with a semicolon as field separator and a comma as decimal separator. With "Download_CSV_EN" you can download a CSV file with a comma as field separtor and a dot as decimal separator. The files will be stored in your download folder.
- If you want to use the GeoJSON output (only EPSG:4326) you have to click the map first. After that the GeoJSON output is available in the corresponsing tab.
Finally: this geocosing service works best with a Firefox™ browser. In this browser the coordinates wil apair gradually during the process. In other browsers the coordinates will apair not before the entire process has been finished.
This geocoder uses the BAG geocoding service for Dutch addresses and Nominatem (Open Streetmap) service for international addresses
When using large amounts of data the geocoding process might take a long time. Sometimes the browser will report that the website is not responding. In this case click to wait for the browser to respond so the geocoding process will not be aborted.
For any questions about this geocoding service you can contact di-lab@has.nl